Sunday, 27 February 2011


Came back from my mother's house with a few treasures from my childhood. I collected these tiny jars decades ago— long before they became so fashionable in jewellery.
I'm turning a couple into tiny terrariums (I suppose that I should call then terraria, but...).

Je viens de retrouver dans les cartons où sont conservés quelques trésors de mon enfance ces petites fioles que j'avais collectées il y a plusieurs décennies, longtemps avant qu'elles ne deviennent si populaires comme pendentifs.
Je vais transformer quelques unes d'entre elles en mini-terrariums (je suppose que je devrais écrire terraria...).

Friday, 25 February 2011

Merry-Go-Round - Top 3, Top 5, Top 10 favourite tools

Jump on our merry go round and join a group of artists/crafts-women from around the world as they link hands and tell you a little bit about their lives in craft.
Do look up the answers from the rest of this band of crafters (links to your left) and welcome our new members, Bethany, Jen, Laura and Monika!
If they haven't all posted yet, remember we all live in different time zones and check again later...
This month:
Top 5 (or 10) Favourite tools for our craft(s)

Always, but always, really, close at hand (couldn't live without them):
  • a miniature Swiss army knife (at least one! I have three...), in my pocket. They all have tiny but sturdy scissors that I use all the time*
  • measuring tape
  • & overworked pin cushion, both on a side table

Always close at hand too, once I'm at it (couldn't craft without them):
  • round pliers
  • crimping pliers (they can come in handy for so much wire work)

Never very far either (they make my life so much easier :)
  • paper & pen / pencil (these do tend to be lying about at all times, but they shouldn't...)
  • normal size Swiss army knife with miniature screwdriver (in my handbag, along with measuring tape bis)*
  • nylon jaw pliers
  • flat pliers (these two kinds more recently acquired than the other two pairs of pliers above but very addictive too, in that they can correct mistakes or even prevent them)
  • bench blocks and hammers, lots of hammers...

* slightly problematic whenever I have to travel by plane...

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

New items in Etsy shop

... These are just a few, more here.

Sunday, 20 February 2011


I know, I know— I should be making the bags myself... But these people know how to make strong, durable, environment-friendly reusable bags that I can then embellish so that the ONE you buy will be yours, uniquely.
I stocked up on these in different colours and materials a few months ago and I'm finally getting to the point where I might actually know what I'm going to make of them.
So, as usual: watch this space and my shops...

Je sais bien que je devrais les faire moi-même, mais ces gens-là savent faire des sacs réutilisables solide et donc durables an matériaux naturels. Ce qui me laisse tout loisir pour les décorer et en faire des pièces uniques pour vous.
Je me suis procuré une petite quantité de ces cabas, dans plusieurs teintes et matériaux, et ça commence à me démanger de m'attaquer à ce projet-là.
Comme un petit air de printemps.
Comme d'habitude, donc : à suivre...

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Votez pour moi — Vote for me!

Dans le cadre du concours "Ma Région" organisé par DaWanda, j'ai fabriqué cette fantaisie aquitaine qui évoque les fameuse plages océanes. Vous pouvez voter pour moi ici, en cliquant sur "J'adore". Merci d'avance...

Please help me try and win the French DaWanda "Ma Région" competition for which I put together this necklace, in homage to the beaches of Aquitaine. You can vote for me by hearting it here. Thank you all in advance.

Sunday, 13 February 2011


Time machine in the guise of fabric— this NOS fabric takes you right back to the Fifties, doesn't it?

Le tissu à voyager dans le temps : on se croirait en plein dans les années cinquante, non ? Des mètres d'authentique vintage...

Sunday, 6 February 2011


I stumbled on this fabric yesterday and just couldn't resist it. The colour! No idea what it might turn into yet; it's jute fibre, so fairly rough. I can see it in contrast with back leather or something... I wouldn't mind suggestions.

Ma trouvaille d'hier : pas pu résister. Aucune idée de ce que cela deviendra : c'est du jute, donc les possibilités sont limitées. Mais en contraste avec du noir, du cuir noir, ça en jetterait, non ? Des suggestions ?